Intimacy with God, Part 2 of 4
Yesterday we discussed Godly fear as essential for developing intimacy with the Lord. Another thing that is required to develop deeper intimacy with the Lord is obedience. If we truly fear and reverence God we will do what he commands us to do. First Samuel 15:22 declares that to obey is better than sacrifice and Jesus declares in John 15:14, “You are my friends if you do whatever I command you.”
The issue of obedience is a major one indeed. Many Christians have lofty ideas of what they plan to do for the Kingdom of God: they want to become missionaries oversees; they want to preach the gospel to thousands of people; they want to become the next Billy Graham. While these are certainly noble aspirations, it is amazing how many of these same individuals are inconsistent in their prayer lives. Some refuse to do certain deeds of service because these deeds are “menial.”
Others may even live in ways that are incompatible with God’s revealed Word in the Scriptures. In other words, they are living in sin. For these individuals the need for simple obedience is a necessity. If we are to please the Lord, we must obey him. Only those who walk in obedience will experience intimacy with God. Only those who walk in obedience will experience the blessings of God. Is God challenging you today to walk in greater obedience to him? If so, then respond positively to his loving challenge. You will be much happier in life and will avoid a lot of grief if you will obey God.
This series on intimacy with God has four parts. Click on the links before to access the articles.
Part 1: The Fear of the Lord
Part 2: Obedience to the Lord
Part 3: Trusting in the Trustworthy God
Part 4: Spending Time with God
Wilfred Graves Jr.
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